17 other words for ‘look’

The word ‘look’ is very common in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Here are some synonyms for ‘look’ when someone looks briefly: glanceThe driver glanced right,… Read More

15 other words for ‘laugh’

We use the word ‘laugh’ commonly in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Here are some synonyms for ‘laugh’ when used as a verb: be in stitches… Read More

Scrabble™ Train

Use our new Scrabble™ Train application to improve your gameplay. Play against the clock to get the highest scoring word you can from the letters presented!… Read More

Scrabble™ Cheat

Not sure what words you can make with your Scrabble™ letters? Use our new Scrabble™ Cheat application, and enter your letters into the rack and find out what high scoring words you can make!… Read More