Spanish word of the week: recordar

This week’s Spanish word of the week is recordar.

Recordar is a verb that means to remember or to remind.

To hear how recordar is pronounced, you can click the icon below:  

Recordar is interesting because it covers two related English meanings: to remember and to remind.

Es incapaz de recordar números de teléfono. He can never remember phone numbers.

Remember that the –or– changes to –uer– in some cases:

No recuerdo dónde lo puse. I can’t remember where I put it.

In the other meaning, to remind, it can be used when people resemble one another:

Me recuerdas mucho a tu padre. You remind me a lot of your father.

And it can be used to remind someone to do something, with que and the subjunctive:

Recuérdame que se lo diga a Daniel. Remind me to tell Daniel about it.

Come back next week to read about our next Spanish word of the week!

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