children playing board game

Adventures in Wordle Land: Wordle #282

Some Wordle puzzles leave you scratching your head to find any word that might fit into a particular pattern of letters. Wordle #282 was just the opposite of this, and provided a situation where I had too many solutions – more than the number of guesses available to me. I… Read More
illustration children playing board game

What to do when you are stuck at Wordle

Wordle #281 was not my finest hour. However, it did raise the interesting question of how to get started again when you come to a grinding halt. I started with my usual opening word, using the two most common vowels, A and E: TARES* None of the letters were… Read More
children playing board game

2 tips on how to choose your Wordle starter word

The Chinese proverb says that a journey of a million miles begins with a single step. Even in a game of Wordle you have to start somewhere, and most people who play the game for a while seem to gravitate towards a favourite opening word. But what sort of word… Read More
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TL;DR: social media terms you might not know

A wise person once said that change is one of the only constants in life. That person never spent time on the internet, but the words still ring true of online activity. With so many trends, sounds, memes and hashtags happening at any one time, what we’ve come to know… Read More

British Science Week 2022: Talking about Growth!

British Science Week is upon us and we’re ready for ten whole days of STEM – science, technology, engineering and maths! According to the official website, British Science Week is a platform to stimulate and support teachers, professionals and the public to get involved in STEM,… Read More