French word of the week: pas

This series of weekly blogs takes a closer look at words from our French dictionaries. The word we're focusing on this week is the French adverb 'pas'. Read More

What’s the difference between boot and trunk?

This week we are looking at some words which can be used differently in British and American English: boot and trunk. boot In British English, the boot of a car is the covered space, usually at the back, where you put things such as… Read More

National Radio Day

20 August marks National Radio Day, a celebration on the calendar since the early 1990s. Its organizers enjoin us to savour to the full this overlooked everyday miracle of science. Many readers of this blog will have their favourite programme(s). I certainly do; I wake up every morning to the… Read More

Lucky number 7! Exploring the language of superstition

Are you very superstitious or do you take bad luck with a pinch of salt? Superstition is defined as a belief in things that are not real or possible, from bringing misfortune upon yourself by accidentally breaking a mirror to throwing salt over your shoulder to… Read More

What’s the difference between bonnet and hood?

This week we are looking at some words which can be used differently in British and American English: bonnet and hood. bonnet In British English, the metal cover over the engine of a car is called the bonnet. I lifted the bonnet to… Read More