a scrabble board in play

Delightfully Odd-Looking Scrabble Words

Although they look like they’ve been made up for Scrabble, these new strange-looking words are all supported by current usage away from the Scrabble board… DHIKR Sufi religious ceremony (13 points) PACZKI Round filled doughnut (23 points)… Read More
2 men playing scrabble in a tournament

Tips from the Champions – Craig Beevers

Craig Beevers, the current World Scrabble Champion, tells us his top tips. 1. Know your short wordsTwo and three letter words can enable you to score 20-30 points move after move without any big plays. Once they’re second nature you’ll have lots of parallel play opportunities at… Read More
banner with 6500 new scrabble words written on it

Discover the New Scrabble Words

Over 6,500 new words have been added to the Collins Official Scrabble Wordlist – influenced by all parts of life, including social media, slang, technology and food, plus English from around the world. Delve into some of the new words below and discover the full Wordlist out… Read More
scrabble board with words ANSWERS and QUESTIONS

Scrabble FAQs

How many new words are in the new Collins Official Scrabble Words? 6,500 How do new words get chosen? Representatives from the Dictionary Committee of the World English-Language Scrabble Players Association (WESPA) – the international governing body for tournament Scrabble play excluding North America… Read More
An illustration of vintage roses

The Lost World of Floriography

In honour of the world’s most prestigious Chelsea Flower Show coming up next week, Hazel Gaynor, author of A Memory of Violets, talks us through the language of flowers. While researching my novel A Memory of Violets I discovered the wonderful world of ‘floriography’. In the Victorian… Read More
Scrabble tiles on board spelling out SCRABBLE WEEK

Scrabble Week

What in the name of Scrabble is happening? Over 6,500 new playable Scrabble words join the Collins Official Scrabble Wordlist this May. To celebrate the biggest update in 4 years, Collins are hosting Scrabble Week 21-28 May. Sign up for a week of Scrabble tips,… Read More
A Shakespearean actor holding an apple

Etymology Corner – Election ‘Candidates’

With a general election occurring in Britain on May 7, there is no shortage of candidates seeking votes. The history of the word ‘candidate’ goes back to ancient Rome, where people who stood for political office would wear specially whitened togas while campaigning. These men came to be… Read More