A cartoon cup with WORLD'S BEST MOM written on it

How is Mother’s Day celebrated around the world?

In our first Mothering Sunday article, we looked at the difference between British and American ‘Mother’s Day’. Let’s find out some other ways people around the world celebrate their mums. In Bolivia, Mother’s Day is celebrated on 27th May every year. Called El Día de… Read More
A small girl holding a present behind her back

Happy Mother’s Day… or Mothering Sunday?

Mother’s Day and Mothering Sunday are commonly thought of as being the same thing. How often around this time of year do you hear an English person ask, with more than a hint of panic, when Mother’s Day is? But it’s not Mother’s Day they’re actually asking about. It’s Mothering… Read More
A small girl dressed in cape and eye mask

Lucy Mangan talks gender jargon for International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day (on Sunday)! Or Happy International Wimmin’s Day, if you are either a) one of the tiny minority of radical second wave feminists who adopted the aberrant spelling as a means of protesting against the word’s apparent derivation from ‘men’, thus mimicking and enshrining women’s supposed derivation… Read More
2 men, one with a baseball bat, the other with the baseball

Collins A to Z of cricketing words and phrases

With the Cricket World Cup in full swing, you might feel stumped by all the talk of googlies, wides and wicket maidens. To help you out, we’ve put together an A to Z of key cricketing terms so you don’t get caught in the slips, run yourself out, or… Read More
Word cloud with I LOVE YOU in different languages

Words of Endearment

It’s Valentine’s Day! We hope you have a lovely day with – or find – your sweetheart! To improve your chances this year, we’ve put together this list of terms of endearment from around the world. 1. Portuguese Brazilian: “chuchuzinho” Chuchu is the Portuguese word for… Read More
a whale under very blue water

Living it! Rhiannon Garth Jones reviews Fluent in 3 Months

Rhiannon Garth Jones is author of the blog What I read today, a compilation of what she thinks might be worth other people reading, and why (with digressions into music and cooking, naturally). She has just finished reading Fluent in 3 Months, by Benny Lewis, as part of the… Read More