The Power of Love: 10 Romantic Words for #BFILoveFest

In honour of the #BFILoveFest this weekend – a UK-wide celebration of LOVE in TV and film – this week we take a look at the etymology of 10 commonly used romantic words. Drawing on #BFILoveFest’s themes of The Power of Love, Fools for Love and Fatal Attractions, we… Read More
Collins English Dictionary Q&A graphic

Collins Word of the Year 2015 Q & A

What is Collins’ Word of the Year? Collins’ Word of the Year is a word that our lexicographers have identified as having been notably more visible in the last year. It may be a brand new word or an existing one that has seen its popularity increase because of current… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Dadbod’

To celebrate Collins Word of the Year 2015, we explore the etymology of ‘Dadbod’.   Dads have something of an image problem in the English language. The word ‘father’ tends to signify wisdom and respectability in expressions such as ‘father figure’ (a person you can turn to for advice, guidance,… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Clean Eating’

To celebrate Collins Word of the Year 2015, we explore the etymology of ‘clean eating’.   It seems that every year brings a new philosophy as to the best way to regulate our intake of food to ensure optimum health and fitness. One idea that has gained many supporters recently… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Shaming’

To celebrate Collins Word of the Year 2015, we explore the etymology of ‘shaming’.   March 2015 saw the publication of So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by the journalist Jon Ronson, a book that shone a spotlight on the current trend for mounting campaigns to heap opprobrium on people who… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Corbynomics’

To celebrate Collins Word of the Year 2015, we explore the etymology of ‘Corbynomics’.   Jeremy Corbyn’s successful campaign to become the new leader of the British Labour Party was based on some radical economic policies. He rejected the prevailing idea that the government should cut its spending in order… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Binge-Watch’

To celebrate Collins Word of the Year 2015, we explore the etymology of ‘binge-watch’.   There was a time when the fans of a television programme would experience a sense of gloom when the closing credits rolled, knowing that they had to wait for a full week until the next… Read More