researcher poring over book

9 new words in Collins Dictionary, May 2022

Japanese comics and animated films have contributed four new entries to Collins English Dictionary online in its most recent update: jousei, seinen, shonen and shojo. Each of these genres features a different type of protagonist and is so designed to appeal to a particular audience. Some appealing food and cookery… Read More

What’s the difference between shadow and shade?

This week we are looking at two words which are commonly confused: shadow and shade. shadow A shadow is a dark shape made on a surface when something stands between a light and the surface. The tree cast a shadow over the garden. If a place… Read More
graphic containing a calander

National Gardening Week

In an English country ga-a-a-rden What’s the most popular UK hobby? Why, gardening, of course. An estimated twenty-seven million people in a population of sixty-seven million plus indulge in it in some shape or form. During recent lockdowns, many people confined to home developed an interest in their gardens for… Read More
a person up a ladder in a library

11 essential words for aspiring astronomers

Star light, star bright, will you be searching the skies tonight? Whether you’re trying to spot the latest celestial event or you’re a dedicated stargazer, there’s a whole galaxy out there if you just look up. We’ve compiled a blog of essential words for aspiring astronomers, let us know @CollinsDict… Read More