Language Lovers

A bowl holding red chilli peppers

Language be the Food of Love

New scrabblicious words that can really give your game some bite… AFFOGATO (Italian) a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream ROASTIES roast potatoes GUMMI a rubbery, flavoured candy… Read More
An illustration of vintage roses

The Lost World of Floriography

In honour of the world’s most prestigious Chelsea Flower Show coming up next week, Hazel Gaynor, author of A Memory of Violets, talks us through the language of flowers. While researching my novel A Memory of Violets I discovered the wonderful world of ‘floriography’. In the Victorian… Read More
A Shakespearean actor holding an apple

Etymology Corner – Election ‘Candidates’

With a general election occurring in Britain on May 7, there is no shortage of candidates seeking votes. The history of the word ‘candidate’ goes back to ancient Rome, where people who stood for political office would wear specially whitened togas while campaigning. These men came to be… Read More
An image of Shakespeare holding a book and wearing a jester's hat

Will in the Words

In honour of Shakespeare Day, Christopher Moore, author of The Serpent of Venice, reminds us of Shakespeare’s gift to the English language. We all know the poet and playwright, but Shakespeare the wordsmith also coined more than 1700 original words in the English Language. Proper words, too,… Read More