Language Lovers

Wooden cubes with BALDERDASH spelt out

Balderdash! 11 English Words Whose Meanings Have Changed

To grin once meant to scowl, a girl was once a youth of either sex, and “hello” was originally used as an exclamation of surprise! Most of the words in everyday English have been in (and occasionally out of) circulation for centuries. But how and why have their meanings changed?… Read More
Graphic with KPI spelled out

Eight killer business words and phrases

We once asked a group of business students what was the most important phrase a business person travelling abroad needed to know in a foreign language. They all volunteered things like ‘Hello’, ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’, all useful words but they miss the point. Then someone volunteered the killer phrase,… Read More
A basket of courgettes

10 American English Words To Baffle The Brits

Brits and Americans often have no trouble understanding one another. However, there are still a few words and phrases that remain completely unalike. 1. Cookie These are called biscuits in the UK. Cookie in US English comes from the Dutch koekje, a small crisp cake. Dutch settlers in… Read More