Scrabble tiles on board spelling out SCRABBLE WEEK

Scrabble Week

What in the name of Scrabble is happening? Over 6,500 new playable Scrabble words join the Collins Official Scrabble Wordlist this May. To celebrate the biggest update in 4 years, Collins are hosting Scrabble Week 21-28 May. Sign up for a week of Scrabble tips,… Read More
A Shakespearean actor holding an apple

Etymology Corner – Election ‘Candidates’

With a general election occurring in Britain on May 7, there is no shortage of candidates seeking votes. The history of the word ‘candidate’ goes back to ancient Rome, where people who stood for political office would wear specially whitened togas while campaigning. These men came to be… Read More
An image of Shakespeare holding a book and wearing a jester's hat

Will in the Words

In honour of Shakespeare Day, Christopher Moore, author of The Serpent of Venice, reminds us of Shakespeare’s gift to the English language. We all know the poet and playwright, but Shakespeare the wordsmith also coined more than 1700 original words in the English Language. Proper words, too,… Read More
scrabble board in play

A Scrabble Game of Thrones

How would A Game of Thrones characters fare in the world of Scrabble? To celebrate National Scrabble Day and the return of Game of Thrones today, we’ve scored the characters of the book and TV show by their names to find out who would rule on the Iron Throne according… Read More

Etymology Corner – Easter Words

Happy Easter! Etymology Corner has been a regular feature of the email for many months, but we’ve decided to promote it to the blog so more people can appreciate its wit and wisdom! It is written by Ian Brookes, Editorial Consultant for Collins Dictionary. Come back on the… Read More