JohnTravolta dancing with text BOOGIE NOOGIE SOOGIE written over his picture

Tips for learning Scrabble words

Allan Simmons, a former Scrabble champion and author of the forthcoming book Scrabble Trainer, shares his tips on how to learn words to improve your Scrabble game. There are nearly 120,000 two to eight letter words in the Collins Scrabble word list and very few Scrabble enthusiasts have… Read More

Gloving, Basic Income, and Lemmium: December’s Words in the News

As we settle back into our routines with fresh faces and Christmas behind us, we’re bringing some great neologisms into 2016 that December gifted to our linguistic stockings. The adjective nonbinary isn’t exactly new, even when referring to gender (where it indicates a person who identifies as neither female nor… Read More

Lucy Mangan looks at your first word submissions of 2016

Happy New Year to you all! I trust you all had a lovely break and are now enjoying unparalleled success with your chosen resolutions. I am not. But in a crazy twist no one saw coming, I have conceived another one which renders any guilt or fretting about this impossible. Read More
Scrabble tiles: PLAY LIKE A CHAMP

Scrabble tips for a Triple Word Score of a Christmas

It’s Christmas which means Scrabble against the family. World Scrabble Champion Craig Beevers Shares his top tips to play like a pro this Christmas. Short and sweet(scoring)Two and three letter words can enable you to score 20-30 points move after move without any big plays. Once they’re second nature… Read More