Language Lovers

10 weird and wonderful language facts from Paul Noble

1. Learning another language makes your brain function more effectively. Recent studies have shown that it helps increase intelligence, empathy and attention span. It has also been shown to slow down the brain’s ageing process and so reduce the risk of dementia – a good reason to sign up for… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Scrabble’

With the holiday season approaching, it might be a good time to get some board-games out of the cupboard so that the family can while away a winter’s evening in friendly (or not-so-friendly) competition. One of the world’s most popular board-games is Scrabble™. However, Scrabble™ has not always been called… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘Surprise’

The election of Donald J Trump as the forty-fifth president of the United States certainly came as a surprise to many people. But why do we call an event that was not expected to happen a surprise? ‘Surprise’ is one of five common English words that ends… Read More

Collins Word of the Year 2016 Q & A

What is Collins’ Word of the Year? Collins’ Word of the Year is a word that our lexicographers have identified as having been notably more visible in the last year. It may be a brand new word or an existing one that has seen its popularity increase because of current… Read More