Language Lovers

Etymology Corner – Collins Word of the Year 2016

Brexit Surely the most significant event in British politics for many years occurred on 23 June 2016 when voters decided that Britain should leave the European Union. Even before departure from the EU became a reality, a new word had been coined to describe the act: Brexit. Brexit was… Read More

Top 10 Collins Words of the Year 2016

Brexit has been named Collins Word of the Year 2016 thanks to a dramatic increase in usage. Here’s the words that made the top 10 list: BrexitThe withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union HyggeA concept, originating… Read More

Our lexicographers respond to the ‘Essex Girl’ debate

Collins applauds the campaign by The Mother Hub to change the stereotypical view of Essex women, which has raised some interesting points around how words are included in, or excluded from, dictionaries. Here at Collins, we believe our duty as a dictionary publisher is to report the… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘bonfire’

Bonfire Coming as it does just after the clocks have been turned back, Bonfire Night brings a welcome distraction from the dark November evenings. Bonfires produce warmth, light, and good cheer at an otherwise dreary time of the year. So when the great lexicographer Samuel Johnson compiled his… Read More

Etymology Corner – ‘battery’ and ‘debate’

(de)bat(tery) The words ‘debate’ and ‘battery’ might seem to have little in common, although both have been in the news recently: production of a notable brand of smartphone has been stopped due to the risk of its battery catching fire, while the televised debates between the US presidential candidates have… Read More