word submissions

A tablet with split keyboard

Lucy Mangan is back!

When I was first offered this blog job – hang on, that sounds bad; let’s call it blog position – I leapt at it. Little did I know how perilous it would turn out to be. Before I started here, I was blissfully unaware of the number of words there… Read More
A woman's face with eyes looking to right

Lucy Mangan loves your words

Well, hello again! And how’ve you been? I was fine until I heard someone on Radio 4 not only use the word ‘productise’ but do so without reproach, rebuke or reprimand from his interlocutor, or the Director General of the BBC immediately shutting down transmission and promising immediate repayment of… Read More
woman plumping up white pillow on bed

Lucy Mangan on the fortnight’s word submissions

Hello again! And how’ve you been? I am a near-broken woman after London Fashion Week – not that my body, wardrobe and penchant for consuming calories daily will collectively or individually attest to this, because I haven’t been anywhere near the shows. It’s because of the… Read More
young woman wearing headphones at computer

Lucy Mangan on the latest words to be submitted to the site

Another alternate Friday, another column picking the choicest blooms from the bouquet of offerings submitted to the stern-faced lexicographers at Collins’ online dictionary for consideration. Followed by a small rant, because I’m just in that kind of mood. And finishing with an award, because I like to go out on… Read More
Blocks of typeface spelling out User Generated Content

Lucy Mangan Sets Up Her Stall

I’m a Luddite in most areas of life. I don’t know what Blu-Ray or Bluetooth mean. I have only just moved from an ordinary to a smartphone, and I don’t know why everyone keeps laughing at me for choosing a BlackBerry. I don’t have… Read More
image of original home screen of collinsdictionary.com

What’s your word?

Submit your new word here We’ve all had them: those words and phrases that mean the world to us. They’re passed around our friends, providing meaning, sense and clarity where before there was only confusion. But there was never any way of making these words official,… Read More